AI finally emerging from its Apple host

Welcome to AI Collision 💥,

A funny, cute, colourful image of a robot/AI looking "Alien" emerging from the old colourful Apple logo, resembling emergence of the Alien from the chest in the Aliens movie, really exploding out of the top of the Apple logo, make it look more robot than alien

**WHOOPS! Scheduling error. Sorry for the delay, instead of 9:00 we set this originally for 9:59am, that pesky roll of the clickwheel!

In today’s collision between AI and our world:

  • How can we do better? And ARM, what a star!

  • Apple’s secret not-so-secret releases

  • Substitute Scoob

If that’s enough to get Siri fired, read on…

AI Collision 💥

The last few days I’ve been thinking about the core purpose of our work here at AI Collision and importantly, how we can improve and do better.

I’m going to try some new stuff (that you’ll see in our next section) but also would love some feedback from… YOU.

Therefore, please indulge me and hit the survey below, where you’ll have your chance to tell me what you like, what you don’t like, what you’d like to see more of in AI Collision 💥. Nothing is too harsh, nothing is too nice, everything is fair game!

How can we be better?

OK, that said, as I was thinking about what we do and how we do it, I also came to the conclusion that I’d like to think what we send you is somewhat of a lifeline from all the s*** going on in the world.

You are bombarded with scary, uncertain things from all angles – from social media, from the “news”, from everywhere.

Geopolitical uncertainty, the brink of war, END OF DAYS IS COMING!

Well I guarantee you this…


In ten years’ time, the sun will still shine, and the scary stuff you’re bombarded with today will be the same scary stuff they bombard you with in a decade.

It will paralyse some people.

But for others, like you, you will understand that the world is a wonderful place, full of mainly wonderful and amazing people doing wonderful and amazing things.

And it’s those wonderful things that actually level up the world, level up our lives. While yes, sometimes life is tough, on the balance it’s actually pretty good.

It’s the goodness that you can find, and even invest in from time to time, that makes things interesting and exciting.

So that’s what we aim to be. The interesting. The exciting. The optimism and injection of “hopium” that I feel is kind of lacking in the world today.

And when I think of hopium, I often turn back to some of the stuff I was writing about a decade ago. That’s because if I’m writing about some of this stuff a decade ago, and then today it’s a part of the fabric of our world, then I can only conclude that what I write about today that’s interesting and exciting will become a part of the fabric of our world in the next decade.

Here’s something I wrote on 25 February 2014:

The last 30 years were all about COMPRESSING technology – packing more and more transistors onto a chip.

The next 30 years will be all about COMPOUNDING technologies.

Think about two technologies combining together to create a whole new technology. And that technology spawns an entire new industry. And then innovation and technology in THAT industry combines to create even better newer and more exciting technology.

It’s a growing, expanding network of technology working together, building on each other to grow.

And it’s happening at a pace that’s almost impossible to keep up with.

Up until now technology has been limited by the constrains of computing power. But now the shackles of the computer chip are about to be broken.

Exponential growth now doesn’t just apply to computer power.

It applies to ALL TECHNOLOGY.

Immersive technology… 3D printing… bio-fabrication… carbon nanotubes… quantum computing – you name it. Every new discovery is enabling scientists to use that new technology to create better technology and push the world forward.

It’s no longer compressing.


Technology built on technology built on technology.

This is ‘The Law of Technological Compounding’.

It’s a world-changing theory that will impact your life in ways you can’t imagine.

Let me give you a really good early example of ‘Tech Compounding’ in action…

There’s a way of computing something called parallelisation.

Parallelisation is trying to pick up where Moore’s Law breaks down. We are getting close to maximum capacity of conventional computer chips.

But the world’s most powerful computer is actually the human brain.

This power comes from something called PARALLEL COMPUTING: the ability to solve simultaneous problems with different parts of the brain.

A company called ARM Holdings is working on a computer chip that does the same thing.

This is where the COMPOUNDING… rather than COMPRESSING… comes into play.

Because ARM is doing this by compounding three technologies at the same time:

Robotics, Computer Science and Neuroscience.

In doing so ARM Holdings has created a chip that simulates a neural network. It processes data from silicon retinas in the same way as neurons in the brain do.

Only three years ago the idea of reverse engineering the brain into a computer chip wouldn’t even have seemed like a plausible moon-shot.

It would have been pure science fiction.

Fast-forward to December 2013, and Forbes calls it:

‘One of the most advanced neuroscience projects in the world’.

This is the core point of The ‘Law of Technological Compounding’.

It’s speeding everything up.

Now in there I talk about ARM Holdings.

This was a company listed on the London Stock Exchange, then taken private, then listed more recently on the New York Stock Exchange.

As you can see, since trading down around $50 not long after its recent listing, ARM has gone on to soar higher.

It’s a company that’s been working at the edge of semiconductor technology for decades. And it’s of course continuing to innovate and develop its tech around the way in which AI can be more efficient, both from a processing perspective and energy efficiency perspective.

It is a critical piece of our future puzzle, even a decade after I was writing about the company. Its relevance over the next decade as the AI revolution rolls out, I have no qualms in saying, will likely be equally as important as a company like Nvidia.

In fact, it was only a couple of years back that Nvidia wanted to buy ARM. As I wrote to you in February this year, Nvidia disclosed it even owns a massive chunk of ARM stock.

That’s probably a good sign that if Nvidia thinks it’s good enough to own, it’s probably an important company to its long-term plans too.

Either way, while the world talks about elections, instability and the “rise of the right” I’m researching parallel computing and decentralised distributed AI processing and pondering the new innovations and developments from companies like AI.

I guess you choose the path you want to follow, but for me, optimism and a positive outlook as to what’s coming over the next decade and beyond is way more fun than the other path.

AI gone wild 🤪

I tried once again to utilise the help of AI to illustrate what I’m going to talk about below… but again AI failed me.

For a start, insert the word “Trump” into any AI image generator and it’s pretty much going to respond with…

Computer Says No GIFs - Find & Share on GIPHY

It certainly seems to me that AI, particularly for images, is getting worse. At least the free stuff is. Of course, if you’re prepared to pay through the teeth, then it’s probably quite good.

But therein lies perhaps the direction of AI – the same way the internet has gone. You get some good stuff, until you’re then having to pay for 15 different subscriptions and then jailed into a platform (like Adobe).

Anyway, I think what I say below I explain better than an image anyway.

So yes, it’s a video from me below. This is something new(ish) I want to try – doing video for you on a more regular basis. Check out what I’ve got to say today about Siri, phantom Alexa timers and what Apple has in store today!


Also, if you bothered to watch the video (which I hope you did), then the following should make sense to you…


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And then…

Source: Koyfin

And finally…

Boomers & Busters 💰

AI and AI-related stocks moving and shaking up the markets this week. (All performance data below over the rolling week).

man in black suit jacket and black pants figurine

Boom 📈

  • Nvidia (NASDAQ:NVDA) up 8%

  • Oddity Tech (NASDAQ:ODD) up 25%

  • Taiwan Semi (NYSE:TSM) up 10%

Bust 📉

  • Brainchip (ASX:BRN) down 11%

  • Veritone (NASDAQ:VERI) down 13%

  • Predictive Oncology (NASDAQ:POAI) down 16%

From the hive mind 🧠

Artificial Polltelligence 🗳️

Rather than having two polls today I really want you to answer the one above on what you want in terms of video from me.

So rather than polling here, if you didn’t answer (shocking!) above, then please head back up into the AI Gone Wild section and answer my poll there please 🙏

Weirdest AI image of the day

Ok class, your substitute teacher for today is… – r/Weirddallee

r/weirddalle - Ok class, your substitute teacher for today is...

ChatGPT’s random quote of the day

“The Web does not just connect machines, it connects people.” – Sir Tim Berners-Lee

Thanks for reading, and don’t forget to leave comments and questions below,

Sam Volkering

AI Collision
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Apple integrating ChatGPT into their iPhone etc. says to me that they have admitted defeat in the AI race.

Sam Volkering

It is a bit concerning that a multi-trillion company deeply rooted in tech can’t and haven’t been able to do it themselves. Seems like they’ve wasted a LOT of time and resources only to go and outsource it

Derek Punchard

Yes, but keep it short like that

Dr Richard Clive Gentry Rowe

Your videos are fine but be more concise. Cut the waffle!

Anthony Barnes

Excelent first AI Collision video. Do not do as a regular item but keep to emhpasise important new developments in the AI space.

Lorraine McLaughlin

takes too long to watch a video


Speed reading is so much quicker than watching video so I prefer reading. Keep up the great thoughts and analysis though

Lorraine McLaughlin

takes too long to watch a video

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