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Welcome to AI Collision 💥,

In today’s collision between AI and our world:

  • A bit of change to how and where we come from
  • Grok’s gone WILD!
  • Schmidt on how big AI will be

If that’s enough to get the new website loading, read on…

AI Collision 💥

Things are changing, and also not really changing here at AI Collision 💥.

First things first, in terms of what you read, the structure and setup of our bi-weekly broadcasts, nothing is changing at all.

We’ll still be looking at the AI revolution and its rollout. We’ll be trying to piece together and figure out the best companies in the world that are driving AI forward and investment ideas that you can capitalise on as an investor.

All of that is staying the same.

What is changing though is how we send you AI Collision 💥 and where we send it from.

Up until now we’ve been publishing through Substack, and it’s been useful, easy and has given us some control over the system in which we publish through.

But the publishers at Southbank Investment Research, who I publish AI Collision 💥 through, would like us to grow, scale and reach more people with our content.

Doing so through Substack is possible, but a bit more challenging than it needs to be. And also, we are pretty hard to find.

That’s why, we’re picking up everything and putting it down in a new setting starting this coming Tuesday.

That setting is going to be:

We’re going to be sending out our content on a Tuesday and Friday to you as normal and if you want to check back on any of our previous work, it’ll all be through our new site.

You’ll also be receiving marketing for Southbank Investment Research’s other products, but be assured that you can choose to opt in or out of this.

When the email hits your inbox it’ll be from “AI Collision” but the actual sender email address will be instead of

What I want to stress more than anything though is there is nothing you need to do in order to receive AI Collision 💥 going forward.

Everything stays as it is, it’s just that we’re taking a bit more control over how we’re found, and how we can reach a far bigger audience to get our content.

If all of this sounds horrific and the slightest of change is terrifying and you now hate our guts for moving to – there will still be an easily accessible unsubscribe button at the end of every one of our broadcasts giving you the chance to say, so long, farewell, auf Wiedersehen, goodbye!

The way things are set up, you’ll still be able to comment, like and share on all our posts. We’ll still have the polls, links to videos, articles, and everything else AI related we can get our hands on.

If you have any questions, feel free to reach out, either with a comment or via where our handy customer services team can forward your email and questions on to me.

Thanks for being a subscriber to AI Collision 💥, and remember, there’s nothing you need to do to keep getting our work in your inbox – just sit back, enjoy and absorb…


What you’re about to see below…

You might not want to absorb too much!

AI gone wild 🤪

Normally I’d post this in the “Weirdest AI image of the day” section.

However, this is so wild that it had to be more prominent.

Rather than explain further, look for yourself.

r/weirddalle - "Deepfakes are going to have serious consequences for politics. People won't be able to tell fact from fiction."
Source: r/Weirddallee via Reddit

The title of this r/Weirddallee is, “Deepfakes are going to have serious consequences for politics. People won’t be able to tell fact from fiction.”

It’s true.

But for a while, most AI image generators have had the shackles on so to speak. You’ve not had unfettered access with no filters or restrictions on what you can ask for and what can be delivered.

Until this week when Elon Musk’s company xAI unleashed its AI Grok without filters.

Right away things got wild. The image above is one of the wildest. But there were more…

I had this one sent to me…

And this one was on

Source: Uncle Sam via

There are a lot more (and a lot worse) that are easy enough to find. This release of Grok is sweeping through online platforms, and it is impressive as to the levelling up of its image-creation capabilities.

Then run these images through some of the AI animation platforms out there and you get some pretty crazy outcomes, like the video below (click on the image) from TechHalla:

Point is, if you think we’re deep into the rollout of AI, then you better take a seat.

We are just getting started. AI is getting stronger, smarter, more powerful and we’ve only just taken the first few steps of the marathon.

AI isn’t a game changer. It’s creating a whole new game to play, and we’re all still learning the rules.

Boomers & Busters 💰

AI and AI-related stocks moving and shaking up the markets this week. (All performance data below over the rolling week).

man in black suit jacket and black pants figurine

Boom 📈

  • Veritone (NASDAQ:VERI) up 31%
  • Nvidia (NASDAQ:NVDA) up 17%
  • Appen Ltd (ASX:APX) up 14%

Bust 📉

  • Team Internet Group (LSE:TIG) down 18%
  • Vicarious Surgical (NYSE:RBOT) down 13%
  • Guardforce AI Co. (NASDAQ:GFAI) down 10%

From the hive mind 🧠

  • I can’t remember if I’ve sent this before, or let alone seen this before. Maybe I have. Or maybe it’s new. Either way, it’s worth listening to as Schmidt is bang on the money when it comes to how big AI is going to be and how many people underestimate the size and scale of what’s coming.
  • Competition in AI and importantly, AI chips is coming thick and fast. There aren’t enough chips from the big players like Nvidia and AMD to go around, so big companies are turning to the old guard, like Intel to get their AI fix.
  • Google is putting the foot down on the accelerator for their AI plans. It’s going to hit all their Google products…including Android, in a big way. Is Google the real AI sleeper? And will AI push them on to new heights?

Artificial Polltelligence 🗳️

Poll time!

Here’s this weeks question,

Weirdest AI image of the day

From McEarth to McMoon – r/weirddallee

r/weirddalle - From McEarth to McMoon

ChatGPT’s random quote of the day

“Chase the vision, not the money; the money will end up following you.” — Tony Hsieh, 2010

Thanks for reading, and don’t forget to leave comments and questions below,

Sam Volkering

AI Collision
Although Southbank Investment Research Ltd, the publisher of AI Collision is regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority, the editorial content in AI Collision is not regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. The editorial content is for general information only; it gives no advice on investments and is not intended to be relied upon by individual readers in making (or not making) specific investment decisions. Appropriate independent advice should be obtained before making any such decision.
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